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How does This work?


Write me a letter. Are you struggling in an area of prayer?  Wondering where God is guiding you in a decision? If you ran into a friend at the grocery store, how would you answer the question... "how are you really doing?" 


Write me a letter.  I am eagerly awaiting the reflections of your heart.


Mail it over to me at:


Letters of Light Ministry

PO Box 115

3235 Union Street

North Chili, NY 14514


I will write you a letter back just as quickly as I can. I will prayerfully consider ways to offer and direct you with the best Catholic advice and suggestions I can.  


I will include any possibility of small things along with my response letter - a handwritten prayer card for you, or something small that I think you would love and would serve as a reminder of Christ's love in your life.


Wait to receive your happy mail!

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